I know posted this on our Facebook page but I thought we should put it onto our blog as well!
Large new planning map of the Temagami region of Northeastern Ontario. With over 4000 km of canoe routes and 1100 campsites together with over 30 significant and accessible stands of old growth pine forests.
Goes really we with Hap Wilson's updated book Temagami | 2nd Edition.
Features the best canoe, kayak and hiking routes in the wild Temagami region of Ontario. "Compiled by Hap Wilson, an outdoor writer who has more than thirty years of experience as a wilderness guide
. . . personally documented maps . . . far more information than a volume this size might lead the reader to expect." -- Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal
Temagami is one of the northern hemisphere's most desirable and pristine wilderness areas. Each year thousands visit this 10,000 km2 wilderness area in Central Ontario in search of rugged solitude and authentic backwoods adventure.
This comprehensive guidebook clearly details 25 of the best canoeing, kayaking and hiking routes and contains notes on the region's history, geography, archaeology, flora and fauna, as well as important outfitting, camping and safety tips. Trips include: Temagami to Lake Wanapitei Loop Marten River to Wicksteed Loop Lake Temagami Circle Loop Red Cedar to Jumping Cariboo Lake Loop Anima Nipissing and Jackpine Lake Loop Rabbit and Twin Lakes Loop Turner Lake Loop Matabitchuan River Route Nasmith and Obabika River Route Lady Evelyn, Makobe River, Montreal River Loop Anima Nipissing -- Montreal River Loop Maple Mountain Loop Sugar Lake, Muskego River Links Gowganda to Elk Lake Route Smoothwater Lake, Lady Evelyn River Loop Makobe Lake and Trethewey Lake Links Smoothwater Lake to Sturgeon River Route.