by Melissa Duke Mooney | Print Mafia | Mafia Print
From one of the top rock band poster artists in the country comes a collection of evocative images of 26 of rock music's most recognized icons. Starting with AC/DC's familiar lightning bolts and ending with ZZ Top's custom Ford coupe, this alphabetical retrospective of more than four decades of rock history will inspire music lovers of all ages.

by Scholastic
Anakin is an amazing Jedi.
Boba Fett
Boba Fett is a bounty hunter.

by Ryder Windham
"What a piece of junk!"
"She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself."
Get the keys to the most famous ship in the galaxy! Explore the Millennium Falcon layer-by-layer, from the clandestine cargo bays to the highly guarded secrets to its speed. Not to mention all the laser cannons, cockpit controls, and circuitry bays you can handle--plus expert notes on those "special modifications" from the master of the Millennium Falcon himself, Han Solo. A must-have for any Star Wars fan.

by Robert Munsch | Michael Martchenko
Every kid knows that there is nothing better than sharing a hilarious story by Robert Munsch at bedtime, bathtime, and beyond- so why stop at one?
In this Munsch-tastic oversized collection, readers will find the following five stories:
* More Pies!
* Zoom!
* Smelly Socks
* Boo!
* The Sandcastle Contest
Plus a complete Munsch story, Braids, with art by some very special illustrators- kids!
Braids was originally published by eight-year-old Taya Kendall in support of the charity Children of Bukati, which helps orphaned Kenyan children attend school. Scholastic Canada is making a donation to Children of Bukati in the name of the kids from Sir Isaac Brock Public School, who drew the pictures.
Mad About Munsch! is a wonderful collection at a wonderful price!

by Sandra Boynton
From Sandra Boynton as it could only come from Boynton an inventive new exuberant jumble of a book for the young reader. Amazing Cows is a picture book, a storybook, a book of fun and games it s all those things in one. Plus it even shows you how to find the startling recording of Maurice Ravel s Bolero Completely Unraveled for Orchestra and Kazoos performed by Sandra Boyton The Highly Irritating Orchestra. (Running time is 17:14, but seems MUCH longer.)
A work of pure obsession, Amazing Cows celebrates cows and offbeat cowness with a miscellany of cow stories, cow poems, cow jokes, and other bovine ephemera. Along the way, expect lively guest appearances by ducks, pigs, and excessive numbers of chickens. There s a song: "It Had to Be Moo." A game: "Find the Hidden Cows." Famous Barnyard Composers (surely you ve heard of Wolfgang Amadeus Moozart and Johann Sebastian Bockbockbock). Knock-knock jokes, a cow myth, and an Amazing Cow comic-book adventure: "Trouble on Zebblor 7." Cow fashion. Cow Limericks. How to Speak Cow. Plus so much mooer.
Amazing Cows is full-color, 96 pages long, and packed with the kind of silly fun that young readers adore, especially when they can read it to themselves and then read it to their parents, and then to their little brothers, and then to the family dog. Or the family cow.

The Klutz Book of Animation
by John Cassidy | Nicholas Berger
KLUTZ S. (series)
The Klutz Book of Animation
Make Your Own Stop-Motion Movies
Here are the 17 coolest, cleverest, trickiest stop-motion movies we could do! Watch family photos come to life, a sandwich eat itself, a man ice-skate on the lawn, a cucumber give a speech, and much, much more! Check out the videos first then go get the book to see how we did them. And remember: When you're making your own videos, don't worry about sticking to the script. Think of these videos as jumping off points for your own clever ideas. Your best ideas will come while you're in the middle of shooting, and you should roll with them. We did and we had a blast! Hope you do too!

by Becky Miles
It Can't Be...Can It? The fascinating files of Robert Ripley prove there's nothing stranger than the truth. Turn the pages, if you dare. But watch out! There are more creepy facts and crazy feats than ever before. It's all weird, and it's all inside--Believe It or Not!
This one-of-a-kind alphabetical adventure through the imaginative and intergalactic world of Star Wars features the names and images of the most popular characters, droids, and creatures in this galaxy far, far away.
With simple text that describes each image and emphasizes each letter, Star Wars: ABC invites readers of all ages to enjoy the legendary story of Star Wars in a whole new way.

by Sean Connolly
“WARNING: This Book Contains Detailed Information About the Most Dangerous Scientific Discoveries of All Time! Read At Your Own Risk!” (And learn a thing or two while you’re at it).
Yes, these experiments are actually safe to do in the comfort of your own home—now—but the scientific inventions and/or discoveries that inspired them were far from “safe” in their day. From the dawn of history, when our ancestors first began carving their tools (and weapons) out of stone, to the colossal Hadron Collidor of today, which promises to recreate the original Big Bang (and could, inadvertently, unleash a black hole that will swallow up the earth), mankind has been experimenting with science of the “potentially catastrophic” kind in one form or another. In The Book of Potentially Catastrophic Science, Sean Connolly catalogs mankind’s most revolutionary discoveries in the world of science, from the taming of fire to the smashing of atoms—and gives kids 48 amazing experiments based on the scientific principles at the root of those discoveries.
Learn about Robert Goddard’s breakthroughs in jet propulsion by building your own rocket, or what Ben Franklin discovered about electricity by generating lightning in your mouth. Make slow-motion fireworks based on the ancient Chinese alchemist’s formula for preparing gunpowder (discovered accidentally while looking for an elixir of immortality), or your own “microwave oven” inspired by Theodore Maiman’s first studies in laser technologies.
Every truly great scientific innovation has come with some peril, whether to the scientists themselves or the world around them. With The Book of Potentially Catastrophic Science kids will not only about learn these discoveries (and the times and people behind them), but gain firsthand knowledge of the science behind them.
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