Connecting Communities through your local retailer
Not long ago I sent a press release to a newspaper for a city in which our coffee was recently retailed at a local store. The editor of that newspaper responded to our press release by saying they wouldn't feature our coffee story because our connection to that community was tenuous at best. At first, I was disappointed that coffee consumers in that community wouldn't know how important their contribution was to our native community in Nicaragua. But then I was thankful. Thankful for the opportunity his comments presented.Our goal has always been to connect our coffee grower to its consumer. We feel it is an integral part of the social, economical , and environmental sustainability of coffee. And if we weren't doing a good job at showing the importance of that connection, then we needed to do a better job. There is a saying..."if you can save one life, you can change the world" Well there are many coffee lovers that through one pound of coffee at a time are changing the life of a coffee grower. This is not a product story, this is very much a people's story of how one coffee lover in a Canadian community can impact the life of a coffee grower in a coffee producing community. Las Chicas del Cafe is a small coffee company, working with small coffee growers, and one pound of coffee at a time we can accomplish a lot. Sometimes it's not even the monetary value of that pound of coffee, but the connections we make along the way that bring you greater success. It was one pound of coffee that started our connection to bring an eye clinic to our farm by a team of optometrists based in Calgary, it was one pound of coffee that began the construction of a preschool in Somoto. Indeed, it is very important to find a home for our beans, and a great cause for celebration when we do. When a new community embraces our coffee, it is giving a grower in Nicaragua a chance.
I am a witness to the hard work and dedication that it takes to bring this product to market, and now I have the pleasure of seeing how it makes your morning cup that much more special.
This Thanksgiving as you enjoy a cup of our coffee, know how thankful we are to have found you!
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