Time: 5:00pm
Entry Fee: $10.00
Chat Noir Books is hosting a Extended Tournament on November 21st.
Entry fee is $10. Below is what you need to know on how to build your deck, or go to http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=judge/resources/sfrextended
Extended Deck Construction
Constructed decks must contain a minimum of sixty cards. The...re is no maximum deck size; however, you must be able to shuffle your deck with no assistance. If a player wishes to use a sideboard, it must contain exactly fifteen cards.
With the exception of basic land cards, a player’s combined deck and sideboard may not contain more than four of any individual card, counted by its English card title equivalent. All cards named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest are basic.
The following card sets are permitted in Extended tournaments:
* Ninth Edition
* Tenth Edition
* Magic 2010
* Mirrodin
* Darksteel
* Fifth Dawn
* Champions of Kamigawa
* Betrayers of Kamigawa
* Saviors of Kamigawa
* Ravnica: City of Guilds
* Guildpact
* Dissension
* Coldsnap
* Time Spiral
* Planar Chaos
* Future Sight
* Lorwyn
* Morningtide
* Shadowmoor
* Eventide
* Shards of Alara
* Conflux
* Alara Reborn
* Zendikar (effective October 2, 2009)
* Worldwake (effective February 5, 2010)
The following cards are banned in Extended tournaments:
* Aether Vial
* Disciple of the Vault
* Sensei's Divining Top
* Skullclamp
Official information about Constructed formats and the Extended format can be found in the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules.
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